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Lotto Texas lottery Texas Winning the Texas lotto

To return to the home page of the 
best Texas Lottery winning system there is  here.
Through April 8,2000
 Rank of numbers chosen

    L O T T O  6



     TIMES    DATE         DRAWINGS

01     106  03/08/2000     7      9
02      90  03/25/2000     9      4
03      99  03/11/2000     8      8
04      98  01/22/2000     8     22
05      94  03/22/2000     8      5
06      87  03/15/2000     9      7
07      89  04/01/2000     9      2
08      94  03/22/2000     8      5
09      95  04/08/2000     8      0
10     104  02/26/2000     7     12
11      95  04/01/2000     8      2
12      92  02/26/2000     8     12
13      89  03/29/2000     9      3
14      88  02/19/2000     9     14
15      96  03/15/2000     8      7
16     100  03/25/2000     8      4
17      91  04/01/2000     9      2
18      77  01/26/2000    10     21
19      98  04/01/2000     8      2
20      91  04/05/2000     8      1
21      86  04/05/2000     9      1
22     101  02/25/2000     8      4
23      77  01/26/2000    10     21
24      90  02/23/2000     9     13
25      81  04/05/2000    10      1
26     101  01/08/2000     8     26
27      94  02/23/2000     8     13
28      96  03/18/2000     8      6
29      98  03/29/2000     8      3
30      83  02/23/2000     9     13
31     109  03/11/2000     7      8
32     104  03/11/2000     8      0
33      98  04/08/2000     8      0
34      89  02/19/2000     9     14
35      80  03/22/2000    10      5
36      88  03/18/2000     9      6
37      71  04/01/2000    11      2
38      94  04/08/2000     8      0
39     104  04/08/2000     7      0
40      95  03/25/2000     8      4
41     101  04/08/2000     8      0
42      83  03/11/2000     9      8
43      95  03/18/2000     8      6
44      89  03/25/2000     9      4
45      98  03/01/2000     8     11
46     100  04/01/2000     8      2
47      87  01/29/2000     9     20
48      88  04/08/2000     9      0
49      97  04/05/2000     8      1
50      88  03/01/2000     9     11



There is no guarantee of accuracy for the above numbers.


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